DocuFreezer offers a wide range of advanced settings to help you customize your file conversion process. You can set custom filenames, adjust output file quality, reduce output file size, skip certain files using masks, and much more.

Configuring Advanced Settings may be tricky. If you are unsure about a specific setting, please consult our support team before making any changes.
- Task processor
- Timeout
- Memory leaks limit
- Restart after jobs number
- Enable custom scripts
- Display progress bar for each file
- Raster image engine
- Rebex MHT to PDF engine
- Extract email attachments engine
- Get file list from Excel file engine
- OCR engine
- Disabled helpers
- Kill hanging processes
- Use internal engines whenever possible
- Files and folders
- Page layout
- Attachments
- Document converting settings
- Blank pages
- Post processing
- Output formats
- List of Files settings
- File loading settings
- Log
- Interface
- On program start
- On program exit
Task processor
Default: Response timeout: 5 min; Task processing timeout: 100 min
Set a time limit on processing a single file. After this time is over, DocuFreezer will proceed to another file.
Memory leaks limit
Default: 512 MB
Set limit on random-access memory allocated for DocuFreezer. If the amount of memory leaks exceeds a certain limit, the program engine restarts automatically. This lets DocuFreezer process any number of files per session without interruption.
Restart after jobs number
Default: 4096 jobs
Automatically restarts the program engine after a certain number of jobs.
Enable custom scripts
Default: Yes
Allow custom scripts. Custom Python scripts that change the program's default behavior may be used. They are enabled by default. Turning them off returns the program to default behavior.
Display progress bar for each file
Default: Yes
The DocuFreezer main window displays the status of each file being processed. Turning this setting off may improve the performance when processing small files, but progress bar indicators will not be displayed.
Raster image engine
Default: GDIPlus
Set a raster image engine. Select between GPIPlus or Graphic Processor. Don't change this setting unless it was advised by our customer service.
Rebex MHT to PDF engine
Default: AsposeWords
Set the primary component for MHT to PDF conversion. Select between AsposeWords or Word. Don't change this setting unless it was advised by our customer service.
Extract email attachments engine
Default: Rebex
Set the primary component for email attachment extraction. Select between Rebex or Outlook. Don't change this setting unless it was advised by our customer service.
Get file list from Excel file engine
Default: AsposeCells
Choose the primary component when using an Excel file (XLS/XLSX/CSV) for loading a list of files to the program for further processing. Excel or AsposeCells can be selected. Only change this setting if advised by our customer service.
OCR engine
Default: TesseractOCR
Set the primary component for OCR processing. Alternatively, you can select Acrobat as an OCR component if you have Adobe Acrobat installed.
Disabled helpers
Default: Acrobat
Disable specific components that the program uses to process certain types of files. If you want to use Acrobat as an OCR component, uncheck it. Only change this setting if you are sure of what you are doing.
Kill hanging processes
Default: Yes
The program may utilize the API of Microsoft Office applications during its operation. When this option is enabled, it will terminate background processes that were started by third-party software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and others, if they are no longer required.
Use internal engines whenever possible
Default: No
Enabling this option will prompt the program to try using its internal (built-in) engines first. If that is not possible, external components will be used for file processing.
Files and folders
Keep source files available for editing
Default: No
Enable this setting to be able to open and edit the source files when they are being processed by DocuFreezer.
Temp folder
Default: %TEMP%
Change the folder where temporary files created by DocuFreezer are located. By default, it is "C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Temp".
Password list
Default: none
Enter the password for the source file(s) to batch convert password-protected documents. If you have more than one file secured with passwords, input several passwords, each on a separate line.

Restore subfolders
Default: Yes
Keep the same subfolder structure as in the input folder (if a folder is set as a source). This setting works only if you use the Add folder button to add files.
Recurse subfolders
Default: Enabled
Enable or disable subfolder recursion. When enabled, the program will convert files from subdirectories too. To exclude certain subdirectories, optionally enter their paths in the Exclude certain subfolders field.
This setting works only if you use the Add folder button to add files.
Existing file action
Default: Create new file
Define what DocuFreezer should do if the output folder already has a file with the same filename: Create new file, Overwrite, Skip.
Destination file password
Default: none
Enter a password to password-protect converted files. Password protection will apply to all successfully processed files from the current List of Files.
Keep output files on any error
Default: Yes
Define what DocuFreezer should do if it encounters an error (for example, if a watermark file is missing). If changed to No, the program will not save files in the output folder in case of an error.
Output filename template
Default: {*SrcFilename}{*WorksheetName}{*SrcFileMPageNo}.{*DstFileExt}
Modify the output file name template using macros and/or arbitrary text. The default output name is: {*SrcFilename}{*WorksheetName}{*SrcFileMPageNo}.{*DstFileExt}. Click the {=} icon to add other built-in macros, such as date/time, source file's number of pages, and more.
- {*srcfilename} – source file name;
- {*worksheetname} – worksheet file name (for Excel or CAD files);
- {*srcfilempageno} – source file page number ("M" stands for multiple pages, this macro does not add page number "1" to single-page files);
- {*dstfileext} – destination file extension.
Learn about all macros that can be used →
You can combine macros with your own text, including spaces and dots. For example:
Item {*listitemno} {*srcfilename}.{*dstfileext} | Created: {*date(}
Note: macro names are not case-sensitive. That means, both {*dstfileext} and {*DstFileExt} will work the same way.
Keep source files' original date/time
Default: No
With this option enabled, you can save the source files' properties and keep them in the converted files' properties: last write (last modified) time and date.
Downloads folder
Default: %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\%APPNAME%
DocuFreezer can process files that are on the Internet or a network folder. For this it needs the "Downloads" folder. Besides, files from the last session can be saved in this folder to restore them.
Exclude files by mask
Default: ~$*.*, *.db, desktop.ini
Exclude certain types of files that are not wanted in the List of Files. To rule out files with a specific file extension, add them in the dropdown list, each on a separate line (after ~$*.*, *.db, and desktop.ini). File extensions should be added this way: *.[file extension]
Page layout
Rasterization resolution
Default: 300 dpi
Set DPI (Dots Per Inch) which defines output image resolution. Resolution can be set in a range between 54 to 16384.
300 DPI is suitable for standard quality, e.g. text documents. 600 or higher is good for high-quality images or photos. Generally, we don't recommend setting it lower than 300 (the output file may have low quality) or higher than 1200 (processing may take much time).
Use rasterization anti-aliasing
Default: Yes
Use a rasterization algorithm with anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing helps make edges of an image smoother (transition is more gradual), and visually reduces the stair-stepped pixels artifact.
Convert attachments
Default: Separate
Set how DocuFreezer must handles file with attachments, such as PDF Portfolio or Outlook email message files:
Option | Effect |
Ignore | Skip attachment(s) and convert only the main document |
Separate | Save each attachment and the main document as separate files |
Combine (attachments after main doc) | Convert the main document and append its attachment(s) after it |
Convert attachments only | Skip the main document and process only attachment(s) |
Combine (attachments before main doc) | Convert the main document and prepend its attachment(s) at the beginning |
Sort attachments
Default: Name
Select how file attachments should be sorted in the output folder:
- Unsorted
- Name
- Type
- Size
- Date
- Name descending
- Type descending
- Size descending
- Date descending
Attachments of unknown types action
Default: Ignore
Set what to do with attachments that are not recognized. When this setting is set to Ignore, the program will skip file attachments if their format cannot be recognized. You can change it to Replace with placeholder (see the next setting Attachments placeholder template to define how it should look) or Try to process.
Attachments placeholder template
Default: Filename
Configure placeholder(s) that should be inserted instead of unknown attachments (see previous setting). Attachments are replaced with a blank-page file with original filename (Filename). You can select your own file (Browse for file) or create a custom template (-Open Cover page designer-) as an alternative.
Include attachments by file mask
Default: *.*
Use an expression that allows converting only certain attachments by mask. For example, type *.pdf to convert PDF attachments only. Or enter attachment.* to convert only files containing the word "attachment" in the filename.
Exclude attachments by file mask
Default: none
Use an expression that restricts processing of certain attachments by mask. For example: *.docx
Document converting settings
Page range
Default: All pages
Set page range by selecting all pages or a specific page range. This setting duplicates the one in the Common Settings.
To choose certain pages or a specific page range, type in the desired page numbers and/or ranges separated by commas. For example: 1,3,5-10,25. To select pages from the end of the document, use the syntax last (last1 for penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5,last2,last1,last
Skip repeated pages
Default: No
This feature helps you avoid converting the same page more than once. For example, if you specified overlapping page ranges.
Save metadata
Default: No
Save metadata from the source files such as EXIF, IPTC, XMP and keep it in the output files.
Convert engine(s)
Default: none
Enter name(s) of specific converting engines. Don't change this setting unless it was advised by our customer service.
OCR languages
Default: none
Select the language that is contained in your source file(s). This setting is used for OCR (Optical Character Recognition). For better results, only select the languages that are present in your source files.
OCR page range
Default: All pages
Set page range for OCR processing. To save time, you can define only those pages that need to be OCRed.
OCR rasterization resolution
Default: 200 dpi
Set DPI (Dots Per Inch) for OCR processing.
OCR task number
Default: 10
Set the number of text recognition tasks that can run simultaneously.
Blank pages
Remove blank pages
Default: No
Enable/disable automatic detection and removal of blank pages during processing. Sometimes documents may contain blank pages (usually at the end of a document). DocuFreezer can detect such pages and skip them.
Min pixels quantity threshold
Default: 0.5%
Set the minimum number of pixels per page as a tolerance threshold to determine whether a page has colors other than white.
Min channels difference threshold
Default: 4%
Set the minimal difference of R, G, and B channels' values as a tolerance threshold to determine whether a page has colors other than white.
Post processing
Successfully processed files
Default: None
Choose an action to perform on the successfully converted files:
- Copy to folder
- Move to folder
- Delete files
- None
Files that failed to process
Default: None
Select an action to be performed with files that failed to convert for some reason:
- Copy to folder
- Move to folder
- Delete files
- None
Output formats
Output folder
Default: C:\Users\[Username]\Documents
Set the output folder location for converted files. The output folder can also be selected on the main window.
Note: you can save converted files to the source folder — the same folder they come from. To use this feature, insert {*SrcFileFolder} next to Output folder:

Output format
Default: PDF
Select the output file type. The format can also be selected on the main window.
Available output formats
Configure the list of all available output file formats. Please note that file conversion to formats that are not set as default (XPS, DOCX, GIF, and others) may not work correctly.
Configure parameters that control the quality of output BMP images:
- Quantize colors
- Quantize quality
- Alpha threshold
- Quantize alpha channel
- Dithering
- Write creator string
- Horizontal resolution ("-1" stands for the default value)
- Vertical resolution ("-1" stands for the default value)
Configure parameters that control the quality of output DOCX documents.
Configure parameters that control the quality of output GIF images.
Configure parameters that control the quality of output JPEG images:
- Pixel type
- Create thumbnail
- Write creator string
- Horizontal resolution ("-1" stands for the default value)
- Vertical resolution ("-1" stands for the default value)
- Mode
- Sampling
- Quality
- Optimize huffman tables
- Interleaved
Configure parameters that control the quality of output PDF documents.
Minimize file size
Default: No
Reduce the size of output PDF files. With this feature enabled, the level of compression is about 30% (depends on the document's contents).
Make searchable (OCR)
Default: No
Apply OCR processing to make the resultant PDF documents searchable. The output files will have text, which can be copied, edited, and used somewhere else.
Default: As in original file
Set multipage option which will control the structure of output files:
- As in original file
- Split into single pages
- Merge into one file
Merge into one file option will combine all files from the List of Files into one multipage document. Split into single pages will create a separate file for each page (whether the source files are multi-page or single-page).
Page index to insert
Default: -1
When using Multipage: Merge into one file, the program adds new files to the end of an existing document. However, you can also add them to the beginning (0) or insert them somewhere in between the document (e.g., 5 – to place new files after page 5). The default value is "-1".
Combined file
Default: Combined.pdf
Set filename of the resultant multipage output file when Multipage: Merge into one file option is used. Default name: "Combined.pdf"
File version
Default: v13
Select the version of PDF format from a range of v13 - v17.
Default: No
Switch to PDF/A instead of a regular PDF.
Note: converting to PDF/A is possible from Word documents only.
PDF/A is a file format used for long-term archiving of electronic documents. It is based on the PDF format, but includes additional restrictions to ensure that the file can be reliably stored and retrieved in the future.
Text to curves
Default: No
Convert text to curves to prevent documents with sensitive data from editing (the output PDF will be non-searchable).
Page creation width
Default: -1
Modify the width of PDF pages. "-1" stands for the default value.
Page creation height
Default: -1
Modify the height of PDF pages. "-1" stands for the default value.
Split multipage PDF by
Default: 1 page(s) per file
Multipage PDFs, TIFFs, and other documents can be easily splitted into single pages with DocuFreezer. Splitting can be done into single pages (by default) or a defined number of pages you need. For example: Split multipage PDF by: 5 pages per file. This setting is used together with Multipage: Split into single pages.
Keep source file's bookmarks
Default: Yes
Keep bookmarks if they are present in the source files. If your Word files, for example, already have bookmarks, DocuFreezer will keep them when converting to PDF.
New file bookmarks title template
Default: Yes
Use the filenames of source files as bookmarks. So if you combine several files to a single PDF using Merge into one file option and want to create bookmarks using filenames of source files – you can do it using a special template. Customize the bookmarks using built-in macros by clicking the {=} button.
Configure parameters that control the quality of output PNG images:
- Pixel type
- Flate compression level
- Quantize colors
- Quantize quality
- Alpha threshold
- Quantize alpha channel
- Dithering
- Write creator string
- Horizontal resolution ("-1" stands for the default value)
- Vertical resolution ("-1" stands for the default value)
Configure parameters that control the quality of output TXT documents.
Make searchable (OCR)
Default: No
Apply OCR processing to make the resultant TXT files searchable. The output files will have text, which can be copied, edited, and used somewhere else. For example, a PNG image may be turned into a TXT with recognized text from the source image.
Default: As in original file
Set multipage option which will control the structure of output files:
- As in original file
- Split into single pages
- Merge into one file
Using this option, for example, you can create a separate TXT file from each source file page or a long TXT file containing all the pages.
Configure parameters that control the quality of output TIFF images:
- Multipage
- Page index to insert
- Combined file
- Pixel type (color space)
- Flate compression level
- Quantize colors
- Quantize quality
- Alpha threshold
- Quantize alpha channel
- Create thumbnail
- Dithering
- Write creator string
- Horizontal resolution ("-1" stands for the default value)
- Vertical resolution ("-1" stands for the default value)
- Leave the color space of the original image as it is (if possible)
- Compression
- JPEG quality
- JPEG sampling
- Fill order
- Photometric mono
- T4 options
- Is big TIFF
- Little-endian
- Tiled
- Multi strip
- Use LZW/Flate predictor
List of Files settings
Unique content in file list
Default: Yes
Enable adding the same file to the List of Files in order to convert it several times. By default, only unique content is enabled, so change it to No if you want to add the same file more than once.
Remove converted items from the list
Default: Yes
Once all files are processed, a dialog window appears suggesting to remove all converted items. Change it to No if you want to keep the finished files in the List of Files.
File loading settings
The File loading settings section contains settings that control what DocuFreezer does with the input files during the import to the List of Files, i.e. what the program should do with the source files before converting them.
The CAD section contains settings for processing CAD drawings during import. To learn more about CAD drawing processing, please refer to this article:
How to Batch Convert DWG and DXF Drawings to PDF or Image Format
Worksheet name
Default: *all*
Define which worksheets should be processed. You can set it to:
- *all* – convert all worksheets contained in a file
- *default* – convert the default (active) worksheet only
- My worksheet 1 – use an actual worksheet name to define which sheets to convert
Split worksheets
Default: No
Check this option to split multi-sheet CAD drawings into separate worksheets. As a result, each worksheet will be saved as a separate file.
"Model view" tab processing
Default: No
Check whether you want to ignore the "Model view" tab, process only the "Model view" tab, or process all worksheet tabs.
Disable "Not to Plot" layers
Default: No
Some layers have the "Plot" property turned off. However, by default, the program will process them like any other layer. Enable this option to ignore layers marked as "Not to plot".
Fonts to bold
Default: No
Try making fonts bold to make the text look thicker.
Default line weight
Default: -1
Change how the lines should look on a processed CAD drawing. You can make them thinner or thicker by changing this value.
Display line weight
Default: As in document
- "As in document" means that the program gets the line weight value from the DWG or DXF file header;
- "Yes" means that the program uses line weights as in DWG or DXF drawing it processes;
- "No" means that the program uses the default line weight value for rendering lines.
Paper size limit
Default: A3
Set the maximum paper format (page size) for CAD drawings. You can select either a Standard or Custom page size in millimeters, centimeters, or inches.
Try to use SHX fonts
Default: Yes
Use SHX fonts if they are contained in your drawings. Consider adding them if the text is too thin or hard to read. Set a path to a folder with SHX fonts if you have them (see the setting "SHX font folders").
Default: No
Make CAD drawings grayscale (in shades of gray).
SHX font folders
Default: none
Browse for folder(s) where SHX fonts are located, so that DocuFreezer can use them. Use together with Try to use SHX fonts: Yes.
Page margins
Default: 0, 0, 0, 0
Specify custom page margins for CAD drawings, in points: left, right, top, and bottom margin.
Email message format
Page size
Default: *all*
Set page size for email files, such as EML, MSG, OST, PST, P7M. You can select:
- Default – use the standard local paper size based on your computer's system locale; e.g., A4 in Europe and Letter in the U.S.;
- Standard – select a pre-defined format;
- Custom – set any width x height in millimeters, centimeters, or inches.
Keep message header
Default: Yes
When processing email message files (EML, MSG), you can choose whether to keep or disable the email header in the output files.
Split worksheets
Default: No
Split multi-sheet spreadsheets and create a separate file from each sheet.
Hide main window
Default: Yes
Hide the main window of Excel (or Excel alternative) during the file conversion process.
Export scale mode
Default: Original
Scale mode defines page sizing and scaling of Excel sheets. Available options:
- Original – keeps the original size of Excel sheets
- Fit – scales small pages up and shrinks large pages down to fit the output file page format
Worksheet names
Default: *all*
Define which worksheets should be processed. You can set it to:
- *all* – convert all worksheets contained in a file
- *default* – convert the default (active) worksheet only
- My worksheet 1 – add actual worksheet names in the dropdown list
Keep headings
Default: No
Enable or disable adding headings (row 1, 2, 3… and column numbers A, B, C…) to the output files.
Keep comments
Default: At the end of sheet
Define how comments in Excel files should be processed: At the end of sheet, As displayed on sheet, Without comments.
Code page
Default: Default
Select character encoding for HTML files, e.g., Unicode or ASCII.
Page size
Default: Default
Set page size for HTML files. Available options:
- Default – use the standard local paper size based on your computer's system locale; e.g., A4 in Europe and Letter in the U.S.;
- Standard – select a pre-defined format;
- Custom – set any width x height in millimeters, centimeters, or inches.
Page margins
Default: 0, 0, 0, 0
Specify custom page margins for HTML files, in points.
Zoom level
Default: 0
Scale up or down the size of HTML pages, in percent.
Auto fit X
Default: Shrink to fit
Set scaling by X-axis: None, Shink to fit, Scale to fit.
Auto fit Y
Default: None
Set scaling by Y-axis: None, Shink to fit, Scale to fit.
Draw annotations
Default: Yes
Keep annotations and pop-up comments in PDF files. By default, they are enabled.
Portfolio files pre-sorting
Default: Unsorted
Enable sorting By index for PDF Portfolio attachments or keep them Unsorted.
Image to PDF embedding
Load image as JPEG
Default: No
When DocuFreezer converts images (all image types except for JPEG) to PDF format, you can set the image to PDF embedding type to JPEG. It usually reduces the output file size. You can additionally set JPEG quality (see the next setting).
JPEG quality
Default: 75%
Set JPEG image quality within 25-100% when using the Load image as JPEG setting.
Code page
Default: Default
Select character encoding for plain text files, e.g., Unicode or ASCII.
Default: "Consolas" 11
Set font style and size.
Line spacing
Default: 0.15
Define a custom spacing between lines of text, in points.
Paper size
Default: A4
Select paper size (page format), e.g., A4 or Legal.
- Standard – select a pre-defined format;
- Custom – set any width x height in millimeters, centimeters, or inches.
Page margins
Default: 10, 8, 10, 8
Specify custom page margins for TXT files, in points: left, right, top, and bottom margin.
Update fields
Default: No
Automatically update dynamic fields in Microsoft Word files (e.g. [Date], [Time], [Name]). As a result, the up-to-date values of Microsoft Word's built-in dynamic fields will be displayed in the output documents after conversion.
Hide revisions
Default: No
If set to "Yes", the program will process Word documents without revision marks (e.g., inserted or deleted text, formatting changes, moved paragraphs). The changes remain part of a Word document until they are accepted or rejected.
Skip comments
Default: No
Convert Word documents with or without comments if they were made inside a document.
Markup mode
Default: As is
Select Markup mode and the type of revisions that should be kept:
- Balloon revisions
- Inline revisions
- Mixed revisions
- As is
Keep bookmarks
Default: In-text bookmarks
Select which bookmarks should be displayed on a document (if a document has bookmarks):
- In-text bookmarks
- Heading bookmarks
- Without bookmarks
Enable macros
Default: No
Enable or disable macros when converting a macro-enabled Word document.
Lines per page
Default: -1
Set the number of lines per page. "-1" stands for the default value.
Detect .PLT file dimension
Default: Yes
Detects PLT file format which is a vector-based plotter file that contains information for a certain CAD file.
Default: 8
Set ZPL files' density. We recommend choosing one of the following values:
- 6 dpmm (152 DPI);
- 8 dpmm (203 DPI);
- 12 dpmm (300 DPI);
- 24 dpmm (600 DPI).
Default: 4
Set width for ZPL files, in inches.
Default: 6
Set height for ZPL files, in inches.
Proxy host
Default: none
Configure ZPL proxy host settings. You can change it to the needed value.
Proxy port
Default: 0
Configure ZPL proxy port settings. You can change it to the needed value.
Max labels per request
Default: 30
Configure the maximum number of ZPL labels per request. You can change it to the required value.
Use email subject as filename when adding Outlook emails via drag-and-drop
Default: Yes
By default, the program uses email subject as filename when Outlook emails are added via drag-and-drop. If this feature is disabled, commas and periods may be replaced with underscores, which doesn't look good (due to poor handling of filenames by some file systems).
Verbosity level
Default: Verbose
Select the type of log created by DocuFreezer: Verbose, Regular, Laconic, or Trace.
Create new log file after
Default: File size limit exceeds
Choose when a new log file should be created (and the old log removed). You can select between File size limit exceeds and Every day.
File size limit
Default: 16 MB
Set a limit on the size of a log file.
Keep log history
Default: 8 files
Set the number of files that keep the log history.
Log file folder
Default: %TEMP%
Set path to a folder for log files. By default, it is "C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Temp"
Allow only 1 copy of DocuFreezer at a time
Default: Yes
By default, the program prevents multiple instances from opening to avoid errors. However, if you prefer to work with multiple DocuFreezer windows at the same time, toggle this setting.
Show dialog on job completion
Default: Yes
Open a dialog window indicating that all items from the List of Files were successfully processed.
Show HEIF error dialog
Default: Yes
Open a dialog window indicating that HEIF (HEIC) files cannot be processed because ImageMagick or HEIC/HEVC codecs are missing.
Interface language
Default: English
Select user interface language.
If combined file already exists
Default: Show appropriate dialog
Configure what DocuFreezer should do if there is a file with the same filename in the output folder:
- Show appropriate dialog
- Append to existing file
- Create new file
- Overwrite
Using the Append to existing file option, you can easily add new files to the existing one in the form of new pages at the end of a document. Note: both "new" and "old files must have the same filename.
On program start
Check for updates
Default: Yes
Keep this option enabled to always have your DocuFreezer version up-to-date.
Restore List of Files from last session
Default: No
Automatically load a previous List of Files. This option is disabled by default.
On program exit
Show restore last session dialog
Default: Yes
Show a dialog suggesting to load the current List of Files again in a new DocuFreezer session.