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Document Imaging

Making images out of official documents seems to be a complicated task, but not so if you make use of DocuFreezer! Only a couple of mouse clicks, and the documents will be converted to images saved as JPG, PNG, or TIFF files.

Normally to convert the documents to images one would need a scanner or a Print Screen option on the computer, and none of these are perfect in regards to the quality of the resulting files. DocuFreezer has made the conversion process of documents to images as simple as possible taking very little time. What is most important is that the resulting image files will be of high quality.

Image files created out of documents are handy to be shared with other users or be uploaded to the web. PNG and JPEG are much more web-friendly than their documentary alternatives. Plus, converted with DocuFreezer, their high quality will be guaranteed.

No matter what file you prefer – JPG or PNG, converted documents will look very well on the screen, even if you need to display complicated charts, technical data, diagrams, etc.

TIFF is especially efficient for archival purposes. To get the resulting TIFF file one would normally have to print and scan the document and select TIFF as the output format. Disappointment comes though when the quality of the TIFF file leaves much to be desired leaving black margins and showing all the possible defects the scanner itself has. Instead, use DocuFreezer to make a TIFF file out of Word, Excel or PowerPoint.

For companies and individuals who are particular about document workflow, DocuFreezer is an ideal resource. In these cases contents, general look and quality of the documents need to be of a high level, and this is what DocuFreezer guarantees offering document imaging solutions.